King James Version
The Word of God
It Is Written

Zephaniah 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

It Is Two Written. The KJV Word and the KJV Long Count of Every Word in a Chapter. God created the count “In the Beginning” and in every chapter, a new count begins. It’s a cycle that repeats itself. The count is constant. The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count are both True. The True Location of Every Word is established.

Jesus is the Word. We now have the location of Jesus. 

36:03:09   For3 then1 will2 I7 turn1 to9 the19 people1 a pure1 language1, that7 they4 may2 all4 call1 upon3 the20 name1 of2 the21 Lord4, to10 serve1 him1 with2 one1 consent1.


It Is Three Written. The KJV Word, the KJV Long Count and the KJV Long Count Color Code for Every Word in a Chapter. KJV Long Count is the same and repeated in Every Chapter. There is a pattern that develops in the count of every word and that pattern is expressed in a simple color code corresponding to five basic words. Five because man was created on day six. The Color Code of Every Word is established.

The Pure Language of God is simply a simple color code. 

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

36:03:09   For3 then1 will2 I7 turn1 to9 the19 people1 a pure1 language1, that7 they4 may2 all4 call1 upon3 the20 name1 of2 the21 Lord4, to10 serve1 him1 with2 one1 consent1.

Jesus is The Word. Jesus said, “Follow me”. Following Every KJV Word by the KJV Long Count. Comparing the KJV Long Count in Every Chapter. The Pure Language of God is found, and it is in color. 

The Flower Scribe believes he has found “a pure language”, it is simple, and it is true. This Pure Language of God also improves upon the color code of Jesus’s words in red.

The Flower Scribe Report. Welcome!

One Holy Bible, in the “It Is Three Written” format, that is old, the KJV, yet new, Count and Color should rise far above all other Bibles. The Flower Scribe has been searching for a Pure Language that Zephaniah writes about. Zephaniah 3. The word Zephaniah means “hidden by God” and God has hidden a Pure Language in plain sight. The search for a Pure Language of God begins with One Holy Bible. There are a lot of Bibles that have been written. God is One. Only One Holy Bible is needed “to10 serve1 him1 with2 one1 consent1”. 

God does not change. Jesus does not change. The Word has not change. The Count does not change. And now The Color Code does not change. The One Holy Bible that has not changed in the longest period time, first published in 1611, spelling updated in 1769, and is still published today, will be used. The King James Version of the Holy Bible. The search for the Pure Language of God begins with the KJV Word and the KJV Long Count of every Word in a chapter and the KJV Long Count is the constant that cycles though every chapter.

With the pure and simple KJV Long Count of every KJV Word in a chapter (It Is Two Written) and the KJV Long Count Color Code (It Is Three Written) in which every KJV Word does fall into, one enters a new dimension in reading The Word of God, the highest form of reading the Word, it transcends all other versions of the Bible, and this Word shall stand for ever.  Isaiah 40

Isaiah 40:8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

23:40:08   The22 grass4 withereth2, the23 flower3 fadeth2: but1 the24 word1 of8 our2 God3 shall7 stand1 for5 ever1.

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

23:40:08   The22 grass4 withereth2, the23 flower3 fadeth2: but1 the24 word1 of8 our2 God3 shall7 stand1 for5 ever1.

∞      ∞     ∞     ∞     


Jesus said, “Follow1 me11”. John 1                Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

43:01:43  The57 day4 following2 Jesus8 would1 go1 forth1 into2 Galilee1, and49 findeth2 Philip1, and50 saith7 unto10 him28,   Follow1 me11.

To follow Jesus, one should know the location of Jesus. Jesus is the Word. King James Version of the Bible. It Is Written.

John 1:01 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Following Every Word. It Is Two Written.

43:01:01   In1 the1 beginning1 was1 the2 Word1, and1 the3 Word2 was2 with1 God1, and2 the4 Word3 was3 God2.

This is unique KJV Word study based on the location of every KJV Word written. The process of determining the location of Every KJV Word written in the KJV Holy Bible is based on the simple truth of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…, the pure and simple count. The pre-math skill of counting learned as a child, including the true order of the counting numbers as 6 always cometh before 7. Also learned as a child is the ability to copy. Both the copy and the count were hallmarks of the work of the ancient scribes. Without those ancient scribes, who copied and counted letters for the accuracy of the copy, we would not have the Word of God today. The Flower Scribe is updating the location of Every Word in The Word of God. The Bible was written using counting numbers and the numbers were written as words as "Six hundred threescore and six" instead of 666. Revelation 13:18.      Revelation 13


66:13:18  Here2 is4 wisdom1. Let2 him10 that13 hath1 understanding1 count1 the50 number2 of21 the51 beast16: for1 it3 is5 the52 number3 of22 a man3; and47 his13 number4 is6 Six1 hundred1 threescore1 and48 six2.

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

66:13:18  Here2 is4 wisdom1. Let2 him10 that13 hath1 understanding1 count1 the50 number2 of21 the51 beast16: for1 it3 is5 the52 number3 of22 a man3; and47 his13 number4 is6 Six1 hundred1 threescore1 and48 six2.

Book and Word counting numbers are included with the already present chapter and verse counting numbers, establishing the true location of every Word written in a chapter. This is simple stuff, so simple that it has been over-looked until the Flower Scribe (retired fisherman Capt. Flower) came along and wanted to know the location of Jesus. Jesus is the Word. The location of Jesus is now becoming known.

The Holy Bible is the Word of God, and every Word is Jesus.

It Is Written.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

It Is Two Written.

43:01:14  And10 the22 Word4 was16 made5 flesh2, and11 dwelt1 among1 us1, (and12 we1 beheld1 his4 glory1, the23 glory2 as3 of11 the24 only1 begotten1 of12 the25 Father1,) full1 of13 grace1 and13 truth1.

It Is Two Written. The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. You can count on it. The Flower Scribe calls this The Double Portion of Truth. The KJV Word does not change only the Word’s location changes. This is the beginning of the Pure Language of God.

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As mentioned, The King James Version of the Bible is used because the Words of this Bible have not changed since 1769 meaning the location of every KJV Word has not changed since then. The devil, Satan, loves to mess with the Word of God and twist it a little to make it untrue or false.  Matthew 4

Matthew 4:4

40:04:04   But1 he4 answered1 and4 said2, It1 is1 written1, Man1 shall1 not1 live1 by1 bread2 alone1, but2 by2 every1 word1 that2 proceedeth1 out1 of4 the6 mouth1 of5 God2.

In 1826 the correct count of the number of books of the KJV Bible was established at 66 books and that is a recent update. The count is the great truth of this world and is the basic pre math skill. No count, no mathematics.

Counting numbers are facts. The counting of Every KJV Word in a chapter as that Every Word travels through the chapter is the great feature of this work. This process is the same in all chapters and all can trust the numbers, the counting numbers. Every KJV Word now has a Word Count Value (WCTV) attached to it and it is the superscript counting number, the top right of Every Word. That superscript counting number is joined or attached to Every KJV Word. The original scribes of the Bible were of the Levites, the priest line. The Levitical scribes copied Every Word and they counted this and that and compared the counts of the original with the copy, both counts must be the same. Jesus is also of the priest line through His mother Mary. The word Levi means joined. The Word, Jesus, and the WCTV, the Levites, are joined.

The Word and the Word Count Value become one.

Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or is there a pattern, plan, or purpose in the location of Every KJV Word written in a chapter?

The fact is there are no coincidences in the KJV Word of God. God himself, that inspired the writing of Every Word written and the placing Every Word written in its proper location and order, through the centuries and millennium with the help of the numerous scribes of the preprinting era: there is a pattern and plan. Why? Because, again, there are no coincidences in the KJV Word of God.

So, God has a plan for everything, including the location of Every Word written. The Flower Scribe sees a pattern, plan, and there is purpose: To verify the location of Every KJV Word written, the foundation of the Pure Language of God.

The Word Count Value (WCTV) for Every Word Written are God Dots. Comparing all the God Dots, all the WCTV’s used, a code develops in the constant of the count in all chapters. A color-code of five foundational words and five colors connects all the God Dots. It Is Three Written: The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count, The KJV Long Count Color Code. The color by counting numbers make the KJV words alive with Color. Every KJV Word written is a Color-Coded sign from the God of the King James Version of the Bible.

It Is Three Written.

The Pure Language of God.

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan   

43:01:01   In1 the1 beginning1 was1 the2 Word1, and1 the3 Word2 was2 with1 God1, and2 the4 Word3 was3 God2.

43:01:14  And10 the22 Word4 was16 made5 flesh2, and11 dwelt1 among1 us1, (and12 we1 beheld1 his4 glory1, the23 glory2 as3 of11 the24 only1 begotten1 of12 the25 Father1,) full1 of13 grace1 and13 truth1.

∞      ∞     ∞     ∞     

I wonder what King David, he was also a prophet, has written about pure words. After all Jesus is the Son of David. Umbilical cord to umbilical cord. The count of Every KJV Word, make them pure words as counting numbers are pure. The color by numbers, counting numbers, make the KJV words alive with color. The resurrection of the Word of God.    Psalm 12

19:12:06   The11 words1 of4 the12 Lord5 are2 pure1 words2: as1 silver1 tried1 in2 a furnace1 of5 earth1, purified1 seven1 times1.

19:12:07   Thou1 shalt1 keep1 them1, O1 Lord6, thou2 shalt2 preserve1 them2 from3 this1 generation1 for5 ever1.

The Flower Scribe encourages all to search this site and do some Two Reading and Three Reading, there are plenty of examples of both. Each Flower Scribe Report, in the description section has examples of both It Is Two Written, and It Is Three Written. You know how to read, you know how to count, and the counting is done for you, and you can follow a Color-Code. The Flower Scribe puts it all together for you. This type of reading brings about wisdom and understanding.  Proverbs 8

20:08:14  Counsel1 is6 mine1, and14 sound1 wisdom5: I5 am1 understanding3; I6 have1 strength1.

Thank You,
The Flower Scribe