The Flower Scribe Report 27


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The Flower Scribe Report 27

All scripture is from the King James Version, the KJV Bible

The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. It Is Two Written, and Two Reading is necessary. The Double Portion of Truth. Establishing the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. Jesus is the Word. The location of Jesus now is known.

Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or, is there a pattern, plan or purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter?

Colossians 3

Book 51 Chapter 3    51:03    Verses 25    WCTV 27

51:03:01   If1 ye1 then1 be1 risen1 with1 Christ1, seek1 those1 things1 which1 are1 above1, where1 Christ2 sitteth1 on1 the1 right1 hand1 of1 God1.

2   Set1 your1 affection1 on2 things2 above2, not1 on3 things3 on4 the2 earth1.

3  For1 ye2 are2 dead1, and1 your2 life1 is1 hid1 with2 Christ3 in1 God2.

4   When1 Christ4, who1 is2 our1 life2, shall1 appear1, then2 shall2 ye3 also1 appear2 with3 him1 in2 glory1.

51:03:05   Mortify1 therefore1 your3 members1 which2 are3 upon1 the3 earth2; fornication1, uncleanness1, inordinate1 affection2, evil1 concupiscence1, and2 covetousness1, which3 is3 idolatry1:

6   For2 which4 things’1 sake1 the4 wrath1 of2 God3 cometh1 on5 the5 children1 of3 disobedience1:

7   In3 the6 which5 ye4 also2 walked1 some1 time1, when2 ye5 lived1 in4 them1.

8   But1 now1 ye6 also3 put1 off1 all1 these1; anger1, wrath2, malice1, blasphemy1, filthy1 communication1 out1 of4 your4 mouth1.

9   Lie1 not2 one1 to1 another1, seeing1 that1 ye7 have1 put2 off2 the7 old1 man1 with4 his1 deeds1;

51:03:10  And3 have2 put3 on6 the8 new1 man2, which6 is4 renewed1 in5 knowledge1 after1 the9 image1 of5 him2 that2 created1 him3:


The Flower Scribe sees a pattern with a plan and a purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count and The KJV Long Count Color Code. It Is Three Written, and Three Reading is necessary. Jesus is in Color. Establishing the KJV Long Count Color Code and the Glory of the Lord appears as Color-Coded Word signs for every Word written in a chapter.

The patience of the Lord is revealed. The Pure Language of God is revealed. Life now is in Color.

Colossians 3

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

Book 51 Chapter 3    51:03    Verses 25    Signs 27

51:03:01   If1 ye1 then1 be1 risen1 with1 Christ1, seek1 those1 things1 which1 are1 above1, where1 Christ2 sitteth1 on1 the1 right1 hand1 of1 God1.

2   Set1 your1 affection1 on2 things2 above2, not1 on3 things3 on4 the2 earth1.

For1 ye2 are2 dead1, and1 your2 life1 is1 hid1 with2 Christ3 in1 God2.

4   When1 Christ4, who1 is2 our1 life2, shall1 appear1, then2 shall2 ye3 also1 appear2 with3 him1 in2 glory1.

51:03:05   Mortify1 therefore1 your3 members1 which2 are3 upon1 the3 earth2; fornication1, uncleanness1, inordinate1 affection2, evil1 concupiscence1, and2 covetousness1, which3 is3 idolatry1:

6   For2 which4 things’1 sake1 the4 wrath1 of2 God3 cometh1 on5 the5 children1 of3 disobedience1:

7   In3 the6 which5 ye4 also2 walked1 some1 time1, when2 ye5 lived1 in4 them1.

8   But1 now1 ye6 also3 put1 off1 all1 these1; anger1, wrath2, malice1, blasphemy1, filthy1 communication1 out1 of4 your4 mouth1.

9   Lie1 not2 one1 to1 another1, seeing1 that1 ye7 have1 put2 off2 the7 old1 man1 with4 his1 deeds1;

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

51:03:10  And3 have2 put3 on6 the8 new1 man2, which6 is4 renewed1 in5 knowledge1 after1 the9 image1 of5 him2 that2 created1 him3:


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