The Flower Scribe Report 20


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The Flower Scribe Report 20

All scripture is from the King James Version, the KJV.

The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. It Is Two Written, and Two Reading is necessary. Establishing the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. Jesus is the Word. Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or, is there a plan and purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter?

Judges 6:1-10


7:06:01   And1 the1 children1 of1 Israel1 did1 evil1 in1 the2 sight1 of2 the3 Lord1: and2 the4 Lord2 delivered1 them1 into1 the5 hand1 of3 Midian1 seven1 years1.

2   And3 the6 hand2 of4 Midian2 prevailed1 against1 Israel2: and4 because1 of5 the7 Midianites1 the8 children2 of6 Israel3 made1 them2 the9 dens1 which1 are1 in2 the10 mountains1, and5 caves1, and6 strong1 holds1.

3   And7 so1 it1 was1, when1 Israel4 had1 sown1, that1 the11 Midianites2 came1 up1, and8 the12 Amalekites1, and9 the13 children3 of7 the14 east1, even1 they1 came2 up2 against2 them3;

4   And10 they2 encamped1 against3 them4, and11 destroyed1 the15 increase1 of8 the16 earth1, till1 thou1 come1 unto1 Gaza1, and12 left1 no1 sustenance1 for1 Israel5, neither1 sheep1, nor1 ox1, nor2 ass1.

7:06:05   For2 they3 came3 up3 with1 their1 cattle1 and13 their2 tents1, and14 they4 came4 as1 grasshoppers1 for3 multitude1; for4 both1 they5 and15 their3 camels1 were1 without1 number1: and16 they6 entered1 into2 the17 land1 to1 destroy1 it2.

6   And17 Israel6 was2 greatly1 impoverished1 because2 of9 the18 Midianites3; and18 the19 children4 of10 Israel7 cried1 unto2 the20 Lord3.

7   And19 it3 came5 to2 pass1, when2 the21 children5 of11 Israel8 cried2 unto3 the22 Lord4 because3 of12 the23 Midianites4,

8   That2 the24 Lord5 sent1 a prophet1 unto4 the25 children6 of13 Israel9, which2 said1 unto5 them5, Thus1 saith1 the26 Lord6 God1 of14 Israel10, I1 brought1 you1 up4 from1 Egypt1, and20 brought2 you2 forth1 out1 of15 the27 house1 of16 bondage1;

9   And21 I2 delivered2 you3 out2 of17 the28 hand3 of18 the29 Egyptians1, and22 out3 of19 the30 hand4 of20 all1 that3 oppressed1 you4, and23 drave1 them6 out4 from2 before1 you5, and24 gave1 you6 their4 land2;

7:06:10  And25 I3 said2 unto6 you7, I4 am1 the31 Lord7 your1 God2; fear1 not1 the32 gods1 of21 the33 Amorites1, in3 whose1 land3 ye1 dwell1: but1 ye2 have1 not2 obeyed1 my1 voice1.


The Flower Scribe counts it as a plan with a purpose. The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count and The KJV Long Count Color Code. It Is Three Written, and Three Reading is necessary. Establishing the KJV Long Count Color Code and the Glory of the Lord appears as Color-Coded Word signs for every Word written in a chapter. The patience of the Lord is revealed.

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan


7:06:01   And1 the1 children1 of1 Israel1 did1 evil1 in1 the2 sight1 of2 the3 Lord1: and2 the4 Lord2 delivered1 them1 into1 the5 hand1 of3 Midian1 seven1 years1.

2   And3 the6 hand2 of4 Midian2 prevailed1 against1 Israel2: and4 because1 of5 the7 Midianites1 the8 children2 of6 Israel3 made1 them2 the9 dens1 which1 are1 in2 the10 mountains1, and5 caves1, and6 strong1 holds1.

3   And7 so1 it1 was1, when1 Israel4 had1 sown1, that1 the11 Midianites2 came1 up1, and8 the12 Amalekites1, and9 the13 children3 of7 the14 east1, even1 they1 came2 up2 against2 them3;

4   And10 they2 encamped1 against3 them4, and11 destroyed1 the15 increase1 of8 the16 earth1, till1 thou1 come1 unto1 Gaza1, and12 left1 no1 sustenance1 for1 Israel5, neither1 sheep1, nor1 ox1, nor2 ass1.

7:06:05   For2 they3 came3 up3 with1 their1 cattle1 and13 their2 tents1, and14 they4 came4 as1 grasshoppers1 for3 multitude1; for4 both1 they5 and15 their3 camels1 were1 without1 number1: and16 they6 entered1 into2 the17 land1 to1 destroy1 it2.

6  And17 Israel6 was2 greatly1 impoverished1 because2 of9 the18 Midianites3; and18 the19 children4 of10 Israel7 cried1 unto2 the20 Lord3.

7   And19 it3 came5 to2 pass1, when2 the21 children5 of11 Israel8 cried2 unto3 the22 Lord4 because3 of12 the23 Midianites4,

8   That2 the24 Lord5 sent1 a prophet1 unto4 the25 children6 of13 Israel9, which2 said1 unto5 them5, Thus1 saith1 the26 Lord6 God1 of14 Israel10, I1 brought1 you1 up4 from1 Egypt1, and20 brought2 you2 forth1 out1 of15 the27 house1 of16 bondage1;

9   And21 I2 delivered2 you3 out2 of17 the28 hand3 of18 the29 Egyptians1, and22 out3 of19 the30 hand4 of20 all1 that3 oppressed1 you4, and23 drave1 them6 out4 from2 before1 you5, and24 gave1 you6 their4 land2;

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan       

7:06:10  And25 I3 said2 unto6 you7, I4 am1 the31 Lord7 your1 God2; fear1 not1 the32 gods1 of21 the33 Amorites1, in3 whose1 land3 ye1 dwell1: but1 ye2 have1 not2 obeyed1 my1 voice1.


Genesis……. Book 1 Chapters: 23, 27, 30, 31, 33, 41.

Exodus……. Book 2 Chapter: 12.

Numbers….. Book 4 Chapters: 14, 16.   

Joshua…….. Book 6 Chapter: 6.   

Judges…….. Book 7 Chapter: 6.   

1 Kings……. Book 11 Chapter: 18.   

Malachi……. Book 39 Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4.   

Luke……….. Book 42 Chapters: 1, 3, 8, 9, 22.   


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