The Flower Scribe Report 22


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The Flower Scribe Report 22

All scripture is from the King James Version, the KJV Bible.

The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. It Is Two Written, and Two Reading is necessary. Establishing the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or, is there a plan and purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter?

Genesis 1: 23, 26, 27, 31.

1:01:23  And63 the76 evening5 and64 the77 morning5 were7 the78 fifth1 day9.

26  And73 God26 said8, Let13 us1 make1 man1 in11 our1 image1, after11 our2 likeness1: and74 let14 them5 have1 dominion1 over3 the85 fish1 of12 the86 sea1, and75 over4 the87 fowl4 of13 the88 air1, and76 over5 the89 cattle3, and77 over6 all1 the90 earth15, and78 over7 every4 creeping2 thing3 that11 creepeth2 upon7 the91 earth16.

27  So6 God27 created3 man2 in12 his9 own1 image2, in13 the92 image3 of14 God28 created4 he4 him1; male1 and79 female1 created5 he5 them6.  

1:01:31  And94 God32 saw7 every12 thing6 that14 he6 had1 made5, and95, behold2, it16 was17 very1 good7. And96 the106 evening6 and97 the107 morning6 were8 the108 sixth1 day10.   


The Flower Scribe counts it as a plan with a purpose. The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count and The KJV Long Count Color Code. It Is Three Written, and Three Reading is necessary. Establishing the KJV Long Count Color Code and the Glory of the Lord appears as Color-Coded Word signs for every Word written in a chapter. The patience of the Lord is revealed.

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

Genesis 1: 23, 26, 27, 31.

1:01:23  And63 the76 evening5 and64 the77 morning5 were7 the78 fifth1 day9.

26  And73 God26 said8, Let13 us1 make1 man1 in11 our1 image1, after11 our2 likeness1: and74 let14 them5 have1 dominion1 over3 the85 fish1 of12 the86 sea1, and75 over4 the87 fowl4 of13 the88 air1, and76 over5 the89 cattle3, and77 over6 all1 the90 earth15, and78 over7 every4 creeping2 thing3 that11 creepeth2 upon7 the91 earth16.

27  So6 God27 created3 man2 in12 his9 own1 image2, in13 the92 image3 of14 God28 created4 he4 him1; male1 and79 female1 created5 he5 them6.  

1:01:31  And94 God32 saw7 every12 thing6 that14 he6 had1 made5, and95, behold2, it16 was17 very1 good7. And96 the106 evening6 and97 the107 morning6 were8 the108 sixth1 day10.  


Genesis…………. Book 1 Chapters: 1, 24, 34, 35, 36.  

Exodus………….. Book 2 Chapters 26, 40.  

Deuteronomy….. Book 5 Chapters: 4, 15, 19, 21.

1 Samuel……….. Book 9 Chapters: 16, 17, 25.  

Psalms………….. Book 19 Chapters: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106.    

Isaiah…………… Book 23 Chapters: 4, 33.

Jeremiah……….. Book 24 Chapters: 16, 18, 26, 31, 32.

1 John………….. Book 62 Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5



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