The Flower Scribe Report 2
The Flower Scribe Report 2
All scripture is from the King James Version, the KJV.
The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. It Is Two Written, and Two Reading is necessary. The Double Portion of Truth. Establishing the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. Jesus is the Word. The location of Jesus now is known.
Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or, is there a pattern, plan or purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter?
Genesis 9:1-10
1:09:01 And1 God1 blessed1 Noah1 and2 his1 sons1, and3 said1 unto1 them1, Be1 fruitful1, and4 multiply1, and5 replenish1 the1 earth1.
2 And6 the2 fear1 of1 you1 and7 the3 dread1 of2 you2 shall1 be2 upon1 every1 beast1 of3 the4 earth2, and8 upon2 every2 fowl1 of4 the5 air1, upon3 all1 that1 moveth1 upon4 the6 earth3, and9 upon5 all2 the7 fishes1 of5 the8 sea1; into1 your1 hand1 are1 they1 delivered1.
3 Every3 moving1 thing1 that2 liveth1 shall2 be3 meat1 for1 you3; even1 as1 the9 green1 herb1 have1 I1 given1 you4 all3 things1.
4 But1 flesh1 with1 the10 life1 thereof1, which1 is1 the11 blood1 thereof2, shall3 ye1 not1 eat1.
1:09:05 And10 surely1 your2 blood2 of6 your3 lives1 will1 I2 require1; at1 the12 hand2 of7 every4 beast2 will2 I3 require2 it1, and11 at2 the13 hand3 of8 man1; at3 the14 hand4 of9 every5 man’s1 brother1 will3 I4 require3 the15 life2 of10 man2.
6 Whoso1 sheddeth1 man’s2 blood3, by1 man3 shall4 his2 blood4 be4 shed1: for2 in1 the16 image1 of11 God2 made1 he1 man4.
7 And12 you5, be5 ye2 fruitful2, and13 multiply2; bring1 forth1 abundantly1 in2 the17 earth4, and14 multiply3 therein1.
8 And15 God3 spake1 unto2 Noah2, and16 to1 his3 sons2 with2 him1, saying1,
9 And17 I5, behold1, I6 establish1 my1 covenant1 with3 you6, and18 with4 your4 seed1 after1 you7;
1:09:10 And19 with5 every6 living1 creature1 that3 is2 with6 you8, of12 the18 fowl2, of13 the19 cattle1, and20 of14 every7 beast3 of15 the20 earth5 with7 you9; from1 all4 that4 go1 out1 of16 the21 ark1, to2 every8 beast4 of17 the22 earth6.
The Flower Scribe sees a pattern with a plan and a purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count and The KJV Long Count Color Code. It Is Three Written, and Three Reading is necessary. Jesus is in Color. Establishing the KJV Long Count Color Code and the Glory of the Lord appears as Color-Coded Word signs for every Word written in a chapter.
The patience of the Lord is revealed. The Pure Language of God is revealed. Life now is in Color.
Beginning Choice Earth Spirit Plan
1:09:01 And1 God1 blessed1 Noah1 and2 his1 sons1, and3 said1 unto1 them1, Be1 fruitful1, and4 multiply1, and5 replenish1 the1 earth1.
2 And6 the2 fear1 of1 you1 and7 the3 dread1 of2 you2 shall1 be2 upon1 every1 beast1 of3 the4 earth2, and8 upon2 every2 fowl1 of4 the5 air1, upon3 all1 that1 moveth1 upon4 the6 earth3, and9 upon5 all2 the7 fishes1 of5 the8 sea1; into1 your1 hand1 are1 they1 delivered1.
3 Every3 moving1 thing1 that2 liveth1 shall2 be3 meat1 for1 you3; even1 as1 the9 green1 herb1 have1 I1 given1 you4 all3 things1.
4 But1 flesh1 with1 the10 life1 thereof1, which1 is1 the11 blood1 thereof2, shall3 ye1 not1 eat1.
1:09:05 And10 surely1 your2 blood2 of6 your3 lives1 will1 I2 require1; at1 the12 hand2 of7 every4 beast2 will2 I3 require2 it1, and11 at2 the13 hand3 of8 man1; at3 the14 hand4 of9 every5 man’s1 brother1 will3 I4 require3 the15 life2 of10 man2.
6 Whoso1 sheddeth1 man’s2 blood3, by1 man3 shall4 his2 blood4 be4 shed1: for2 in1 the16 image1 of11 God2 made1 he1 man4.
7 And12 you5, be5 ye2 fruitful2, and13 multiply2; bring1 forth1 abundantly1 in2 the17 earth4, and14 multiply3 therein1.
8 And15 God3 spake1 unto2 Noah2, and16 to1 his3 sons2 with2 him1, saying1,
9 And17 I5, behold1, I6 establish1 my1 covenant1 with3 you6, and18 with4 your4 seed1 after1 you7;
Beginning Choice Earth Spirit Plan
1:09:10 And19 with5 every6 living1 creature1 that3 is2 with6 you8, of12 the18 fowl2, of13 the19 cattle1, and20 of14 every7 beast3 of15 the20 earth5 with7 you9; from1 all4 that4 go1 out1 of16 the21 ark1, to2 every8 beast4 of17 the22 earth6.
Genesis………. Book 1 Chapters: 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 22, 28, 39, 40, 48, 49, 50.
Exodus………… Book 2 Chapters: 1, 3, 11, 15, 17, 20, 24, 31.
Numbers………. Book 4 Chapters: 12, 17, 24.
Deuteronomy… Book 5 Chapters: 8, 10, 18, 30.
Joshua………… Book 6 Chapters: 1, 2.
Judges………… Book 7 Chapters: 2, 10, 13, 14, 15.
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