The Flower Scribe Report 28



The Flower Scribe Report 28

All scripture is from the King James Version, the KJV Bible

The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. It Is Two Written, and Two Reading is necessary. The Double Portion of Truth. Establishing the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. Jesus is the Word. The location of Jesus now is known.

Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or, is there a pattern, plan or purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter?

2 Timothy 3

Book 55 Chapter 3    55:03    Verses 17    WCTV 14

55:03:01   This1 know1 also1, that1 in1 the1 last1 days1 perilous1 times1 shall1 come1.

2   For1 men1 shall2 be1 lovers1 of1 their1 own1 selves1, covetous1, boasters1, proud1, blasphemers1, disobedient1 to1 parents1, unthankful1, unholy1,

3   Without1 natual1 affection1, trucebreakers1, false1 accusers1, incontinent1, fierce1, despisers1 of2 those1 that2 are1 good1,

4   Traitors1, heady1, highminded1, lovers2 of3 pleasures1 more1 than1 lovers3 of4 God1;

55:03:05   Having1 a form1 of5 godliness1, but1 denying1 the2 power1 thereof1: from1 such1 turn1 away1.

6   For2 of6 this2 sort1 are2 they1 which1 creep1 into1 houses1, and1 lead1 captive1 silly1 woman1 laden1 with1 sins1, led1 away2 with2 divers1 lusts1,

7   Ever1 learning1, and2 never1 able1 to2 come2 to3 the3 knowledge1 of7 the4 truth1.

8   Now1 as1 Jannes1 and3 Jambres1 withstood1 Moses1, so1 do1 these1 also2 resist1 the5 truth2: men2 of8 corrupt1 minds1, reprobate1 concerning1 the6 faith1.

9   But2 they2 shall3 proceed1 no1 further1: for3 their2 folly1 shall4 be2 manifest1 unto1 all1 men3, as2 their’s1 also3 was1.


The Flower Scribe sees a pattern with a plan and a purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count and The KJV Long Count Color Code. It Is Three Written, and Three Reading is necessary. Jesus is in Color. Establishing the KJV Long Count Color Code and the Glory of the Lord appears as Color-Coded Word signs for every Word written in a chapter.

The patience of the Lord is revealed. The Pure Language of God is revealed. Life now is in Color.

2 Timothy 3

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

Book 55 Chapter 3    55:03    Verses 17    Signs 14

55:03:01   This1 know1 also1, that1 in1 the1 last1 days1 perilous1 times1 shall1 come1.

2   For1 men1 shall2 be1 lovers1 of1 their1 own1 selves1, covetous1, boasters1, proud1, blasphemers1, disobedient1 to1 parents1, unthankful1, unholy1,

3   Without1 natual1 affection1, trucebreakers1, false1 accusers1, incontinent1, fierce1, despisers1 of2 those1 that2 are1 good1,

4   Traitors1, heady1, highminded1, lovers2 of3 pleasures1 more1 than1 lovers3 of4 God1;

55:03:05   Having1 a form1 of5 godliness1, but1 denying1 the2 power1 thereof1: from1 such1 turn1 away1.

6   For2 of6 this2 sort1 are2 they1 which1 creep1 into1 houses1, and1 lead1 captive1 silly1 woman1 laden1 with1 sins1, led1 away2 with2 divers1 lusts1,

7   Ever1 learning1, and2 never1 able1 to2 come2 to3 the3 knowledge1 of7 the4 truth1.

8   Now1 as1 Jannes1 and3 Jambres1 withstood1 Moses1, so1 do1 these1 also2 resist1 the5 truth2: men2 of8 corrupt1 minds1, reprobate1 concerning1 the6 faith1.

9   But2 they2 shall3 proceed1 no1 further1: for3 their2 folly1 shall4 be2 manifest1 unto1 all1 men3, as2 their’s1 also3 was1.



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