The Flower Scribe Report 9


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The Flower Scribe Report 9

All scripture is from the King James Version, the KJV.

The KJV Word and The KJV Long Count. It Is Two Written, and Two Reading is necessary. The Double Portion of Truth. Establishing the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. Jesus is the Word. The location of Jesus now is known.

Is the location of every KJV Word a coincidence? Or, is there a pattern, plan or purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a

Genesis 11:1-9



1:11:01   And1 the1 whole1 earth1 was1 of1 one1 language1, and2 of2 one2 speech1.

2   And3 it1 came1 to1 pass1, as1 they1 journeyed1 from1 the2 east1, that1 they2 found1 a plain1 in1 the3 land1 of3 Shinar1; and4 they3 dwelt1 there1.

3   And5 they4 said1 one3 to2 another1, Go1 to3, let1 us1 make1 brick1, and6 burn1 them1 throughly1. And7 they5 had1 brick2 for1 stone1, and8 slime1 had2 they6 for2 morter1.

4   And9 they7 said2, Go2 to4, let2 us2 build1 us3 a city1 and10 a tower1, whose1 top1 may1 reach1 unto1 heaven1; and11 let3 us4 make2 us5 a name1, lest1 we1 be1 scattered1 abroad1 upon1 the4 face1 of4 the5 whole2 earth2.

1:11:05   And12 the6 Lord1 came2 down1 to5 see1 the7 city2 and13 the8 tower2, which1 the9 children1 of5 men1 builded1.

6   And14 the10 Lord2 said3, Behold1, the11 people1 is1 one4, and15 they8 have1 all1 one5 language2; and16 this1 they9 begin1 to6 do1: and17 now1 nothing1 will1 be2 restrained1 from2 them2, which2 they10 have2 imagined1 to7 do2.

7   Go3 to8, let4 us6 go4 down2, and18 there2 confound1 their1 language3, that2 they11 may2 not1 understand1 one6 another’s1 speech2.

8   So1 the12 Lord3 scattered2 them3 abroad2 from3 thence1 upon2 the13 face2 of6 all2 the14 earth3: and19 they12 left1 off1 to9 build2 the15 city3.

9   Therefore1 is2 the16 name2 of7 it2 called1 Babel1; because1 the17 Lord4 did1 there3 confound2 the18 language4 of8 all3 the19 earth4: and20 from4 thence2 did2 the20 Lord5 scatter1 them4 abroad3 upon3 the21 face3 of9 all4 the22 earth5.


The Flower Scribe sees a pattern with a plan and a purpose in the location of every KJV Word written in a chapter. The KJV Word, The KJV Long Count and The KJV Long Count Color Code. It Is Three Written, and Three Reading is necessary. Jesus is in Color. Establishing the KJV Long Count Color Code and the Glory of the Lord appears as Color-Coded Word signs for every Word written in a chapter.

The patience of the Lord is revealed. The Pure Language of God is revealed. Life now is in Color.

Beginning   Choice   Earth   Spirit   Plan

1:11:01   And1 the1 whole1 earth1 was1 of1 one1 language1, and2 of2 one2 speech1.

2   And3 it1 came1 to1 pass1, as1 they1 journeyed1 from1 the2 east1, that1 they2 found1 a plain1 in1 the3 land1 of3 Shinar1; and4 they3 dwelt1 there1.

3   And5 they4 said1 one3 to2 another1, Go1 to3, let1 us1 make1 brick1, and6 burn1 them1 throughly1. And7 they5 had1 brick2 for1 stone1, and8 slime1 had2 they6 for2 morter1.

4   And9 they7 said2, Go2 to4, let2 us2 build1 us3 a city1 and10 a tower1, whose1 top1 may1 reach1 unto1 heaven1; and11 let3 us4 make2 us5 a name1, lest1 we1 be1 scattered1 abroad1 upon1 the4 face1 of4 the5 whole2 earth2.

1:11:05   And12 the6 Lord1 came2 down1 to5 see1 the7 city2 and13 the8 tower2, which1 the9 children1 of5 men1 builded1.

6   And14 the10 Lord2 said3, Behold1, the11 people1 is1 one4, and15 they8 have1 all1 one5 language2; and16 this1 they9 begin1 to6 do1: and17 now1 nothing1 will1 be2 restrained1 from2 them2, which2 they10 have2 imagined1 to7 do2.

7   Go3 to8, let4 us6 go4 down2, and18 there2 confound1 their1 language3, that2 they11 may2 not1 understand1 one6 another’s1 speech2.

8   So1 the12 Lord3 scattered2 them3 abroad2 from3 thence1 upon2 the13 face2 of6 all2 the14 earth3: and19 they12 left1 off1 to9 build2 the15 city3.

9   Therefore1 is2 the16 name2 of7 it2 called1 Babel1; because1 the17 Lord4 did1 there3 confound2 the18 language4 of8 all3 the19 earth4: and20 from4 thence2 did2 the20 Lord5 scatter1 them4 abroad3 upon3 the21 face3 of9 all4 the22 earth5.


Genesis………… Book 1 Chapters: 11, 19, 32.

Joshua…………. Book 6 Chapters: 3, 4.

Judges…………. Book 7 Chapter: 16.

1 Samuel….….. Book 9 Chapter: 19.

2 Samuel……… Book 10 Chapter: 12.

2 Kings………… Book 12 Chapters: 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 24.

Isaiah………….. Book 23 Chapters: 26, 31, 38, 39.

Jeremiah……… Book 24 Chapters: 1, 19, 24, 30, 33.

Daniel…………. Book 27 Chapters: 1, 6, 9, 12.

Ezra……………. Book 15 Chapter: 1.

Nehemiah………Book 16 Chapter: 1.                                                        


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